Apparently, you cannot complain of your chest while being in the Doctor’s office.
At the Doctor's office I had an irregular heart beat - throwing PVC's,
which is normal for me....and my chest felt tight (allergies, but who believes me, lol).
They ran and EKG and the Doctor called 911, (protocol) made me take an aspirin and nitro glycerin. (didn't want to because I know its allergies, lol)
By the time the paramedics got there I was crashing because the nitro caused my blood pressure to go to low. I got to ride in a cool RED paramedic ambulance with the siren blaring.
Wow, was that paramedic or doctor cute!!!
Got to the ER and hooked me up to the EKG and just laid there waiting to see the doctor.
I was FREEZING while I was waiting so my sweet husband put on these cool periwinkle gloves on my feet to help keep me warm.
We were both laughing, they were really good slippers and kept my toes toasty.
The nurse’s finally came in to tell me they were going to run blood work and CT.
I guess it made their night and all of them came in to see my feet and were laughing.
(They did give me real socks after they were done laughing.)
Hours later, all the test came back normal but I could have told them that!!
The nurse unhooked me from the EKG and O2 said she would not look if we needed to take more of those gloves
As we were leaving everyone was waving and saying good bye to us.
I think we were the only FUN people they had that evening. My honey and I had a fun date on Friday the 13th!!
(I TOLD them it was allergies!!! lol)